October 26, 2023
DIMEG, University of Calabria
Workshop with IGeA and ESTIEM at Vision 2023
On October 26th, 2023, the IGeA, a non-profit association, founded in 2012 from the IEM students of the University of Calabria, hosted the VISION, one of the main ESTIEM events. The aim of Vision is to give IEM students practical insights in current and future topics and trends from areas between Economy, Society and Technology while bridging the gap between academic and corporate environment.
IGeA has more than 50 members and promotes students’ human and professional growth, establishing relationships among academic, corporate and institutional’s world. Through various activities and events in Calabria and in the rest of Europe, it aims to:
- Fill the gap between academic and corporate world, offering practice insights in the economic, social and technological fields;
- Improve members’ soft and hard skills, applying project management tools studied during the academic years;
- Promote international cultural exchanges in the university Campus thanks to ESTIEM network.
Since 2014, in fact, IGeA is a Local Group associate within the prestigious European network, ESTIEM (European STudents of Industrial Engineering and Management). ESTIEM, with 80 local groups all over Europe is the connector of IEM Students with IEM Europe, which is the ecosystem of companies, universities, organizations and other entities around this field.
As part of the Vision 2023 hosted at the University of Calabria, we hosted a workshop on the topic “how would you design human-AI experiences and applications in a smart brewing production system?”. The workshop was attended by more than 30 industrial engineering and management (IEM) students, with 15 students from European countries (including Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, Turkey and Serbia). The workshop was designed to engage with ESTIEM and IGeA students with the LEONARDO project, being IGeA and ESTIEM stakeholders of the ERASMUS+LEONARDO project.
#ERASMUS+ #LEONARDO #HigherEducation #InnovationInEducation #HumanCentricity #Industry50

LEONARDO is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme KA-220 Cooperation Partnerships for Higher Education – No. 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000164699