Author name: admin

New Paper! Exploring Human-Centricity in Industry 5.0: Empirical Insights from a Social Media Discourse

The transition from Industry 4.0 towards Industry 5.0 marks a paradigm shift, emphasising human-centricity in industrial settings. Industry 5.0 focuses on improving the future role of people in addition to merely technological progress. While “human centricity” gains recognition, ambiguity surrounds its definition and application. The literature lacks clear consensus on the concept and its industrial implications. This paper provides clarity on human-centricity by analysing viewpoints and public opinions based on posts published on LinkedIn in the last five years regarding human-centricity. The analysis involved text mining techniques, including semantic clustering to discover distinct clusters of discussions related to human-centricity and keywords extraction to tag the different clusters. The findings reveal that public opinion predominantly centres on the skills required by future workers, encompassing both hard and soft skills, as well as social themes such as gender equity and workplace comfort. This research underscores the critical relevance of these components in the transition towards Industry 5.0, offering valuable insights for industrial practitioners and researchers alike.

PRIN 2022 RESILIENCE Project Progress Meeting in Brescia

On May 3rd, 2024, the research team of the RESILIENCE project was hosted at Metallurgica San Marco, a partner company located in Brescia and a leader in the production of brass bars and profiles with over 50 years of history. During the meeting, the team visited the plant and explored a particular case study that requires an advanced training for human operators to be prepared for accidents.

Open Positions: Research Fellow in Emotion Recognition for Human-centric AI in Smart Factories

Si annuncia l’apertura di una posizione per un Research Fellow nel campo dell’ingegneria industriale presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica e Gestionale (DIMEG) dell’Università della Calabria, con un focus particolare sui sistemi manifatturieri digitali e collaborativi. Questa posizione offre un’opportunità entusiasmante per contribuire alla ricerca nell’ambito dell’Industria 5.0, concentrata sullo sviluppo di modelli e metodi adattivi per l’assegnazione di compiti ai lavoratori, tenendo conto del loro stato emotivo e cognitivo.

LEONARDO project kicks-off at UNICAL, Italy

On October 30th and 31st, the University of Calabria hosted the kickoff meeting of the ERASMUS+ LEONARDO project, an exciting venture set to transform industrial engineering and management (IEM) education across Europe. The project involves the USS Lab of the DIMEG, University of Calabria as project coordinators and other esteemed institutions as project partners, including the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, University of Malta, CAL-TEK S.r.l., and EIT Manufacturing North.

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